Obama orders 34 million immigrant worker cards

In the link below, US Senator Jeff Sessions makes a clear and complete statement about Obama’s intention to make millions of illegal immigrants legal in the U.S.
Obama’s request for bids for printing of the cards specifies that the printing contractor must be able to provide up to four million cards per year.
Most of you know that I am not prejudiced against Mexicans or other hispanics. People of hispanic ancestry can be, and millions of them are, fine U.S. citizens, working alongside of us, creating competitive businesses and contributing to our economy and social fabric just like we do. They make just as good Americans as any of us from other national or racial ancestries. Generally they have been raised in religious families with strong biblical values, often stronger than the values with which many Americans have been raised.
But Senator Sessions says it with exact truth here. Having open borders is logical nonsense. It is nonsense because universal justice provides that everyone should receive benefits based on their contribution; Americans receive the huge benefits of citizenship based on our own and our parents’, grandparents’, ancestors’ contributions by paying taxes and serving in the military in support of this country, and all the other ways this nation has been supported. Also, of critical importance now, with open borders we can’t prevent entry by our enemies including criminals and terrorists.
And we do have enemies, Mr. President, even though you refuse to believe we do!
That he is doing this to pack ballot boxes with liberal voters is just plain nauseatingly wrong, disgustingly awful. I mean– PUKE!!
And in the long term, I think that might backfire. These people with more solid values of honesty, justice and liberty for all, charity and hard work very possibly eventually will come to our conservative values, which are nothing but those same exact universal human values.
Anyway we hope the lawsuit by the Congress against him will show that he can’t act in such an unconstitutional way, and stop this action. Somehow Obama’s behavior must be stopped.
WOW– destroying our democratic system of decisions made by the Congress who are elected by vote of the people! How did we ever get here, to where this is even possible or being considered?
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